
Vertical Garden an Antidote to Purgation of Mother Earth

Vertical Garden: It may seem like a relatively new concept or a fad of modern times, but the concept of living green walls has actually been around for longer than you think.Vertical gardening is a fun, creative way to grow plants in urban spaces.

As long as you’ve got a blank wall or bare fence that needs beautifying, you can tend edibles, annuals, even perennials with vertical garden products. Read on to discover how long they have been around, why so many buildings are having them, and how you can make one for your home.

With all the more skyscraper developments in urban areas and less land space for greenery in urban scenes, a specific pattern for vertical patio nurseries has been getting increasingly mainstream.

Verifiably, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon can be viewed as one of the first examples of green walls, despite the fact that in all detail, they can be viewed  to a greater degree as a rooftop garden than a green wall. Throughout the centuries, various civilizations have covered the facades of buildings with climbing greenery. In the beginning of the 20th century, the Art and Crafts and Modern style movements in Europe incorporated green facades to make a seamless transition between the garden and the house. Some great examples of green facades were installed in England by the Garden City movement in the 1920s. In 1938, Stanley Hart White patented the living green wall for the first time. However, the first modern design of a living wall belongs to the French botanist Patrick Blanc. His design of a green wall with a full hydroponic system, an inert medium and a variety of exotic plant species is at the Museum of Science and Industry in Paris.

Green Living Walls:

Living walls are also called ‘bio walls’, ‘vertical gardens’ or ‘Vertical Vegetated Complex Walls’ (VCW). Unlike green facades, which have soil only at the base, green walls utilise a growing medium – the surface to which the plant species can cling to and a hydroponic system.

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Green Wall Benefits:

Green walls are an economical development that gives present day modern societies in industrialized cities transform walls into structures of vegetation, including a necessary touch of green in urban settings. They can be freestanding or attached to a wall and we can see more and more office buildings covered in green because of the many health and environmental benefits of these constructions. Green living walls can create microclimates based on the orientation towards the sun and also :

  • Improve air quality

Plants go about as a characteristic air channel, as they normally expel carbon dioxide and create oxygen, while absorbing and cleaning toxins from the air. It’s for a reason that the Amazon rainforest is known as the white lungs of the planet.Green walls are particularly useful for improving air quality in developed urban zones because of the many plants they sustain.Studies show, green living walls can decrease the generation of nitrogen dioxide by 40% and particulate issue by 60%. Buildings and workplaces are the breeding ground of toxins and it’s normal information that plants in homes and offices altogether improves the quality of indoor air.

  • Reduce energy costs

It has been logically demonstrated that huge metropolitan regions are fundamentally hotter than provincial and less developed ranges. The rising temperatures have adverse environmental impact both in terms of higher energy utilization and air pollution. The vegetation on a living green wall will reflect direct sunlight rather store it the way bare concrete or brick would, and can adjust humidity levels through the process of evapotranspiration. A green wall will go about as a characteristic aeration and cooling system, as the air encompassing the green wall is normally cooled in summer, while in winter, a green wall outwardly of a building goes about as protection, decreasing energy costs.

  • Enhance aesthetics

In present day society, where what’s outwardly matters, the unusual display of landscape in a vertical position certainly gets the attention. Green walls effectively change dull spaces in houses and office structures into an enticing and soothing vibe. They establish a good first connection on customers and bring green energy or a fly of shading to both encased and open air spaces. Furthermore, green walls allow for bespoke designs with plants and flowers varying in colour, texture, and growth, allowing for creative designs and logos.

Green Wall Principles:

There is no widespread standard as far as size or kind of plants utilized for a green wall,as these vary greatly depending on each individual project.. For instance, plants utilized for indoor green walls are completely different from those utilized as a part of exteriors. While choosing the plants for an open air wall, things like climate conditions and sun orientation must be considered. By and large, plants are chosen with the goal that they can survive an atmosphere zone higher than the location. There are certain plant species which can be grown on green walls, particularly plants with higher tolerances in terms of watering and temperature variations, as they can adapt better to different environments.

Green Wall Types:

By and large, green walls are arranged as indoor and open air developments, and as freestanding structures or as extensions to walls, which implies essentially any space or wall can be embellished. There are panel systems which use pre-grown plants to fit into panels and can be used for both interior and exterior structures in all climate zones.There are tray systems, which are most broadly utilized inside. They allow for great flexibility in design, as the plants inserted in the tray are already grown off-site in advance. Freestanding walls have the largest amount of adaptability since it’s really simple to move the structure to a new location and rearrange or add plants.Freestanding  green walls are ideally used indoors.

As far as spending plan, the most reasonable alternative is the kind of green wall where the plants are developed on-site. This technique avoids all the more expensive requirement for pre-developed plants yet won’t have full scope upon installation and may take up to a year for the plants to grow full foliage. Green walls which offer flourishing plants upon establishment would require that the plants be developed in advance in a nursery. The costs for composts and upkeep, and also transportation uses will make the green wall establishment all the more expensive.

In spite of the fact that edibles can be developed on vertical structures, and there are green walls particularly intended for vegetables and herbs, introducing a vertical potager isn’t completely recommended essentially for the reason that once the vegetables have aged and have been cut off, they leave an empty space.

Green Wall Maintenance:


In general, green walls use a drip-irrigation system  for optimum efficiency and least possible water waste. Recirculation systems optimise the use of water best, as they use it repeatedly. Water is pumped from the base to the best until the point when the water tank is void and must be refilled. Assuming, nonetheless, the area of the green wall doesn’t have enough space for a tank, the structure can benefit from direct irrigation.

Expected Lifespan :

The life expectancy of a green wall relies upon a couple of elements and can’t be set up with assurance, as this is a moderately new innovation. The hardware, panels, and the developing medium are considered to last for 20 – 25 years. The life expectancy of the plants, in any case, is more hard to pinpoint. Normally, they will develop until the point when their roots are too enormous for the panels and must be replaced. It could be a decent 10 years before this happens. Plants in tray systems, in any case, must be supplanted each year. Interior Desigtners In Bangalore

Weather Conditions :

Plants for outdoor green walls are specially selected to be able to sustain the weather in the particular location. Every zone has a particular microclimate, which can be distinctive even  to neighbor properties. This makes it difficult to state with sureness how the green wall will perform until the point that it is really installed. That is the reason, professionally installed living walls come with a maintenance plan and a warranty. Plants growing on green walls normally end up being dormant amid the winter time frame, however upon your request, it is possible to have an evergreen wall by planting species which will change shading during water yet won’t lose foliage. Weather has a huge impact on how a green wall performs, so an essential part of maintenance is adjusting the system to the microclimate of the location.

Develop a Vertical Garden Yourself: (DIY)

  • Choose a container, pocket, wooden planter, or structure for your vertical garden.
  • Place the garden in the amount of sun that your plants need.
  • Choose from succulents, vegetables or perennials.
  • Make sure your structure is deep enough in the ground so it is stable.
  • Train your plants to grow vertically.
  • Keep extra plants on hand in case some plants die off.